Wednesday 10 July 2013

Settling in

I can't believe it's the end of Wednesday already.  The moments are flying by, what with unpacking, appointments, activities and settling into the trailer. We haven't really left our old life behind yet and it feels a bit like we're just on vacation.  We've been into Airdrie - and into our old neighbourhood - every day, for a variety of reasons, and will be back into Airdrie every day for the rest of the week.  I don't think we intended  to be back so much this week, but there are so many little details to finish up.  And every day life still goes on, no matter where we are.

We went to the storage unit this morning to add some of the containers we had unpacked. I found it very overwhelming to see all my stuff just jammed into a small space. I know the guys were tired and wanting to just get the job done, but what I saw made me cry - literally.  I couldn't leave things the way they were, so fought with myself in the too small, too crowded space to move around certain items that weren't well protected.  I love him, but my hubby does not win the Tetris award for storage unit packing.

That finished (for today at least) we headed into Calgary to register Morgan for homeschool. So happy that is done!  I've been worrying over all the aspects of it, but the ladies at the homeschool association made me feel a lot for confident and comfortable about it all. Tomorrow morning I have my last orthodontics appointment before we head out, and then hopefully High Tea with Lily & my Mom at the Blooming Fields.  Stay tuned!

We're all tired, a bit out of sorts, and off schedule, so I tried to get us back to a somewhat normal schedule this afternoon just to help myself and the kids feel a bit better.  It's hard though.  I'm off to bed late - again.  The kids went to bed late because it was so hot and light out.  Had to wait for it to cool down (what are we going to do in truly hot weather?).  Ah well, tomorrow's another day.  In the meantime, I shall leave you with a look at our campsite.

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