Thursday 11 July 2013

High Tea

This afternoon Lily and I met up with my mom at the Blooming Fields for high Tea.  It was a perfect day when we arrived - not like yesterday, which was stiflingly warm.  The Blooming Fields is a nursery / u-pick / tea house between Didsbury and Olds and the gardens around it were lovely, with many flowers in bloom and plenty of growing vegetables.  Lily enjoyed smelling the roses.

She became bored while we waited for the tea to arrive, but then spotted the tire swing. She had great fun spinning on it, entertaining herself and the other ladies who had come for tea.  I think they were charmed by her boundless energy. I really don't know where it all comes from!

Once the tea (and treats!) arrived we tucked into the array of yumminess and mom and I proceeded to stuff ourselves silly. Soup, finger sandwiches, cheese and crackers, scones with jam & clotted cream, and a variety of sweets.  It was all oh-so-good.   Once we were finished with the food, we took a walk around the gardens and then followed Lily back to the tire swing for more spinning and some pretend play. We took a rocket ship to see the shooting stars.  Very exciting.  Our space faring play was cut short by the arrival of some dark clouds and wind and we decided to call it a day.  Saying goodbye to my mom (we'll see her more next week) we headed back home. All in all, a very enjoyable afternoon.


  1. Hey Janine, that place looks awesome! Lovely for you gals to have an afternoon like that together.

    Seems like an awesome place to go, can anyone go there?
