Monday 29 July 2013

Achoo, achoo!

This is the sound I hear from my daughter every day. She has never shown any allergies before, but since we've moved into the trailer she sneezes.  A lot.  At first we thought she had a cold, or was sensitive to the pollen, but I started noticing a pattern. Anytime we’re away from the trailer she stops sneezing.  We return and she starts up again. And this pattern has been repeated enough now that I’m confident something in the trailer is bothering her.

This is an unexpected and definitely unwelcome result of our move into the trailer. My little miss is already having a hard enough time with the transition into our mobile lifestyle.  She certainly doesn't need this on top of it!

But, I guess I shouldn't be entirely surprised, considering the trailer has been gathering dust, and who knows what else for years. Every time I wipe down something in here, it comes away grubby – dusty, dirty, and greasy. Yuck! Obviously our new home needs a deep clean. Walls, floor, ceiling, all the blinds and valances, fabrics, cushions. Everything!  
My main goal right now is to make Lily comfortable and get rid of whatever is making her feel unwell (plus having a nice clean home).We’ll look at the remodel aspects of it later (J heh heh heh)

If anyone has suggestions on what to do, products to use, or what to remove, please send them my way. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lily,
    Hope you're having fun.
    Vinegar is always a good cleaner. I'd suspect the carpets. Who knows what dust and dirt has settled into everything.
