Q & A

I figure people will have lots of questions about the hows/ wheres and whys of our travels.  I'll try to answer them here.

Who are we?
This is us... Bob, myself, Morgan and Lily.  Munchie, our cat, isn't in the picture, but she's along on our travels too.

How will you travel?
We'll be traveling with our truck & fifth wheel.  Sometimes we stay somewhere for a week or more, and sometimes we're only in an area for a day or two.  It all depends on what's around, what our general timeline looks like, the cost of the area and of course, the weather.

How long will you be traveling for?
The tentative plan is to head out July 2013 and be resettled in time for the kids to start school the following September. But I'm leaving it open to possibilities.Who knows where fate will lead us.

Where are you going?
We want to see as much of North America as we can.  We don't have a pre-set route, but more a general idea. We will start out by heading north up the Alaska Highway and then made our way back through BC. We will be in California for Christmas, visiting my extended family. We'll explore the southern US for a while before slowly making our way north, towards eastern Canada as spring arrives. Then we'll explore Canada from east to west.

How do you plan your route? / How do you determine where you're going to stay?
Most of the time we wing it! We plan to head in a general direction and then figure it out as we travel along the road. Sometimes we have a set destination and sometimes just a general direction. It's worked so far.

Do you book campgrounds in advance?
In the past six months I think I've booked one (maybe two) campground more than a day in advance. Since we generally don't know where we're going to be we tend to leave it until last minute. Again, it's worked so far.

What will you do about the kids' schooling?
We are road-schooling them. That's home-schooling on-the-road. Morgan is registered with an official homeschooling association in Calgary and we utilize the official Alberta curriculum for Morgan's grade 2 learning. Kindergarten is not mandatory there, so there is no official curriculum for Lily, but there are lots of learning opportunities just in regular life (for all of us!). I'm really a fan of natural learning. It's so easy to teach something when it's hands-on, in the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Janine & Bob,
    I am so glad to catch up on your travels. I have been hoping that Lily finally made it to Disneyland. I think this awesome, and wish I could have been there to see the sparkle in her eyes. My congratulations to you, for hanging in on this adventure. It is truly an experience of a lifetime that, few children, let alone adults get to take part in. My hope for all of you is that the good times outweigh the hard frustrating times. Have a blessed + Christmas and continued safe travels.
    Best Regards, The Seattle Bonnie, (& Don)
