Monday 15 July 2013

Moving day

Today we moved from Carstairs up to Blackfalds. Only an hour drive, but that was about all we could handle today.

The kids stayed up late last night, which meant Bob & I stayed up late too. So, we all got up kinda cranky and out of sorts today. We needed to make one last trip to the storage unit before leaving the area, so we prepped for that. It took us forever to get ourselves organized though, and it was after 1 before we even got back to the campground. Good thing they are rather casual about check-in and check-out times!
Lunch, packing & organizing and then the gong show began. The camp host had front row seats to watching Bob & I hook up the trailer by ourselves for the very first time. I'm sure he got lots of entertainment value for his time. I'm amazed that Bob & I actually kept the yelling down to a dull roar. It's really hard to be calm and collected when you're trying to communicate for the third time that you want the truck to move 2 inches That Way. No!!! The other That way!!!  (pointing again and cringing)  Please don't break the truck or trailer!!!

We will definitely need to work on our trailer communication skills.  We're both used to hooking up the standard ball trailers no problem.  The fifth wheel hitch is a whole 'nother ball game. We'll get it - just hope everything stays in one piece while we learn!

Finally we were all hooked and ready to go - to the sani dump.  Woohoo!  Or perhaps I should say pee-ew. This is one of the not so fun parts of having a house on wheels. You get to deal with all the systems, whether you want to or not. C'est la vie.  It's just part of the job, and really it's no worse that any of the pig barns I worked in for years.

The highway was rather challenging today, with lots of trucks & trailers on the road, and plenty of breakdowns on  both sides of the shoulder. We passed a bunch of carnival trailers. I'm guessing they were heading up to Red Deer for Westerner Days, which starts on Wednesday, or to Edmonton for K-days.  At the moment we still have two vehicles, so I followed behind the truck in the car.

We are now at Janine's parent's for the week. Her dad is hosting a big party on Saturday, at a local campground, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his band. Lots of family and long-time friends will be there and it will be a great opportunity to enjoy some music and visit with everyone before we are too far away to do it in person for a long while.

In the meantime, there's plenty to do around Red Deer. I think the mini donuts at the Westerner may be calling...

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