Thursday 4 July 2013

I think I can, I think I can

We're still in the midst of sorting and packing and preparing for the final garage sale, tomorrow and Sat.  By Sat eve all of the "extra items" will be on their way out of the house.  And Sunday we'll move the stuff we're keeping into the storage unit. The trailer came home from the dealer today and we spent the evening putting stuff into it. Finding places to put everything, and figuring out how to organize it is challenging, but I know it doesn't have to be perfect right now.
The hard ones today seem to be the kids' clothes and the books. We all love books, and it's hard to part with them.  Books are yummy and I devour them.  My children are the same.  But books are heavy, and it's not practical to take shelves full of books.  I can use my Kindle, but the kids need real books.  Part of me does want to take lots, just to satisfy their (and my) desire for reading material.  The other part of me knows that's ridiculous. I guess I'll just have to find a happy medium.  We're already sending four boxes of books to storage.  What's another box in the grand scheme of things?

There's still so much to do to clear the house, and I know we're getting there, but right now it seems like an insurmountable task.  I'm tired, sometimes I'm completely overwhelmed, and other moments where I'm just plain frustrated. But with every box of stuff that goes to the trailer, or out to the garage I know I'm one step closer to getting to where I want to be.
I think I can... nope... I know I can!  (well, I have to, regardless - there is a family waiting, rather impatiently, apparently, to take possession of our house)

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