Tuesday 16 July 2013

Discovery Canyon

After running some errands in Red Deer, we went to Discovery Canyon so the kids could have a bit of fun. It's a water play area, with a man-made concrete water slide area that you can tube down and a bit of beach & spray pond at the bottom. It was a nice warm day for splashing around in the cold water.

Lily made herself a friend and the two girls played together for several hours. It wasn't her first experience of making a friend and then having to say goodbye, but was her first since we've moved into the trailer. She's a very social child and I know she'll make and have to leave behind many new friends on our travels.  But she's also very resilient and I know she'll adapt.
Morgan got chilled quickly and spent most of his time huddled up with either myself or Bob.  After getting him warmed up again I did eventually entice him back into the water and we hopped from rock to rock for awhile.
While we were playing I looked over at Bob and noticed a fellow sitting next to him, chatting away.  I discovered this was a cousin of mine whom I hadn't seen in several years. He & his family live in Red Deer, but I certainly hadn't expected to see anyone I know while out and about.  What an excellent coincidence to run into him and get a chance to catch up! I love when the universe sends those my way.

It was well past 6 pm when we left the park and we had some treats on the way out. Consequently, supper was a grab whatever you want when you're ready. My mom coaxed Lily to eat, but Morgan refused to. By 8 he was looking rather ill and wanted to go to bed. I realized he was both overheated and had hardly eaten anything since breakfast. Some food & water, a cool bath and a quiet calm place to be set him right. Poor kiddo. I'll have to watch him a little closer when we're out in the heat.

Tomorrow I think we'll head to the Westerner for some rides and fun. Well, Bob and the kids can do the rides. I'll just watch. We'll have to make sure to bring plenty of sunscreen, water & keep Morgan (and the rest of us) out of the heat!

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