Saturday 13 July 2013

A quieter day

At least for the kids and I. Bob is busy in Calgary this weekend finishing up his SCUBA classes  He had class last night, all day today and all day tomorrow. Once he's done those he'll just need 4 open water dives to be fully certified.  Hmm, guess we'll have to go find him some open water somewhere on the road!

As for the rest of us, we took Munchie in to get her vaccinations and make sure everything was all set to take her across the border.  An important step, especially considering she's diabetic and needs insulin daily. It shouldn't be a big deal to cross the border, since it's a standard prescription and everything is documented, but I don't want to get caught off guard and have travel plans potentially ruined because of a missed paper.

Once that was all done, we returned to Carstairs just in time to catch the Farmer's market.  It's a pretty small market, but we got some fresh baking & eggs from the Hutterites and treats for the kids. And got a chance to say hello to a friend who happened to be working the market today!  An unexpected, but very nice, surprise.

The kids were squirrelly today, so I kicked them outside to play at the playground.  It was the first time since moving into the trailer that I felt like we were all on top of each other. They insisted on being in the same ten square feet constantly, no matter what the other was doing. Why!!!! I'm sure there will be many more times like that, but right now it's seriously annoying.

Bob arrived home just in time for supper, and then we went off in search for the elusive marshmallow. Downtown is a very short walk away, and a visit to the local Co-Op netted us the very last bag of marshmallows. (according to Lily - Bob says there was an entire shelf full)

Home again for s'mores and then off to bed for kids and parents alike! I think all the late nights have finally caught up to me, and it's time for a good night's rest. We're planning to move up towards Red Deer, and my parents on Monday, but there are still several things that need finishing up here. Hopefully I can get them done tomorrow. It's time to cut the tethers holding us here near Airdrie and get going for real.

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