Sunday 2 June 2013

The art of patience and calm

Is not something I am good at. Hopefully I will learn to worry less and go with the flow more through this journey we are about to undertake. But, this has never been a skill of mine… Growing up, my mom always called me a worry wort, and it remains true. I like to have plans, even just basic ones so I feel like everything is under control, and in my control. Not having a plan and not knowing where I should be and when causes me a lot of anxiety – even though every time we have done it (like last summer) it has turned out great. And we have discovered places that would have been overlooked otherwise.

That anxiety is why I don’t like rides at amusement parks & carnivals. It gives someone else control. Oh, did I mention that’s a trip goal of ours? To hit as many amusement parks as we can. The rest of the family loves them. Lily convinced me to go on a ride at Silverwood Theme Park last summer stating “It’s like a merry-go-round that goes up and down too!” It was so not like a merry-go-round!

That ride is a good analogy for how I feel about the house being for sale right now. The ups and downs and waiting for the next shift is making me crazy and wonder why I volunteered to get on this ride.

The good news… We as a family are still firmly on the path to making our adventure/ journey/ trip (What DO you call it when you choose to uproot yourself & family, sell your belongings and set off without a firm destination in mind?). Ummm, and why does THAT not cause me anxiety???  (Simply put, because it feels right.)  But the house… ARGH! The frustration puts a damper on any progress we are making towards the goal of heading out.  

And we are making progress!  Last weekend we put a deposit down on a fifth wheel and sold the tent trailer. We pick up the RV on the 10th. Maybe having my next house (on wheels) will help me let go of worrying about the current house. Baby steps… Must… Let… Go. 

Things will happen the way they are meant to happen… 

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