Monday 17 June 2013

We're sold!

What a feeling of relief today when I came home for work, and found the email from our realtor.  The buyers waived the conditions with none of the drama that Bob and I expected.  Whew!

We have three weeks to clear the house and get settled into the RV.  Our first garage sale was this past Sat. It went well and we did clear a bunch, but there's so much more.  Every time I start looking, I find more stuff to take to the garage in preparation for the next sale.  And I really don't have to look far.

That email gave me the permission I needed to really start moving forward with the moving process. I booked our storage unit for the next year. We decided to get a bit larger one than originally planned. Partly because there are hardly any units available in the area, especially on short notice.  We took what we could get.  But that's okay as it allows us to keep a bit more of the bigger, more valuable furniture than we first planned. We can always clear out later.

And I made a list of places we need to contact. (I like lists :) Will get started on contacting them tomorrow.

Now to get our trailer.  We should have had it already, but there was a mix-up at the dealers and for some reason someone there thought we didn't want it until July.  They've been in no rush to fix the cracked fiberglass bumper (they cracked the back bumper moving it around the lot).  Well I set them straight and they better have it done by Friday!  I want to go camping with my parents and my sister & her boyfriend this weekend!  We've had this trip planned for weeks and I don't want to cancel.

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