Friday 7 June 2013

Hakuna Matata

I watched the Lion King with the kids the other night and it got me thinking.  I've been focusing so much on the frustrations and stresses of preparing for our trip that I've forgotten to focus on what's just around the corner.  Hakuna matata - it means no worries for the rest of your days... just like the movie.
Now, I'm not saying I won't have worries, but it certainly won't hurt to focus on the good stuff!

And so far I haven't really commented on that here.  I guess I've gotten used to the idea of the life- shift my family is about to take and am coming to think of it as normal.  The reactions of others remind me that this is not so for many people.  "Brave" is what they say when they hear of our plans. I don't feel brave.  I just feel like me.  It's really just a shift in perception; in seeing the possibilities and taking that leap.

Each of us has specific things we're looking forward to.  I'm looking forward to seeing the amazing natural wonders of North America and showing them to my kids.  Like the Grand Canyon, and see the midnight sun way up north, Niagara Falls, White Sands, and having them be able to dip their toes in both the Pacific and Atlantic.  And then the man-made wonders and history of both Canada and the US.  The kids are looking forward to Carnival in Rio de Janiero next February - it's our one planned side trip.  Although they are definitely not looking forward to the immunizations we need to get.  I'm not sure what Bob's looking forward to most.  Maybe I should ask him!

We still aren't entirely sure of which direction we'll head when we get started.  I feel a bit like a kid in an enormous candy store for the very first time - I don't know which way to look first and have no idea what to pick!  
And that's okay :)

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