Friday 28 June 2013

Sometimes it's the little things

Tonight at bedtime, while brushing his teeth, Morgan noticed that the writing on the bag of flossers was backwards in the mirror.  It really grabbed his attention, and he wanted to explore his new-found discovery, so he got some paper, a pen and tried out backwards writing.  What a delight!  I had him write me some messages and then wrote some for him.  Sure, he got to bed later than ideal, but it was so much fun to see his excitement at discovering something new.

It was a good cap to what otherwise was a looong day.  And it will set this day as a good one, which perhaps, is not how I would have viewed it otherwise.

On this, my very first day that I get to sleep in, I was rudely awakened at 5:40 am to the sound of the cat puking on the carpet.   Let me tell you, no time of the day is a good time to clean up cat hairballs, but early in the morning is my least favorite.  As I go to clean it up, I discovered Morgan wandering downstairs.  He realized how early it was and went back to sleep - in my bed!  Stinker. I couldn't get back to sleep. Oh well. At least I could have a productive morning...
I ran over to the school to bring them some therapy tools that we won't be taking with us.  It felt good to pass them on to somewhere that can use & appreciate them.
We signed all the legal documents for the house at the lawyers, and registered the trailer.  Now it's officially ours!
Then I worked on tackling the house.  Now that's an exercise in frustration!  Every time I open another cupboard there's more stuff to sort through.  And it's not like I can just stuff in all in a box for the movers to take to the next place.  There are no movers and my spaces are either the storage unit or the trailer.  And neither of them are big enough to fit a house full of stuff!

I feel bad for ignoring the kids as I focus on packing.   I did set up the slip n slide for them, and Lily spent much of her day playing at the neighbours, so at least some fun time was to be found.
We will have to work on  finding a balance for the next week.  There's so much to do in the next 10 days, but no matter how many piles of stuff that need sorting, we can't forget to have some fun, and take delight in the little things.

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