Wednesday 26 June 2013

Last days

Morgan's last day of Grade 1 was today.  A fun finish to a good, sometimes challenging, but filled-with-growth school year.  He passed, and will be moving to Grade 2, but not here.  It is strange to think that he won't be returning to regular school when August rolls around.

Home schooling will be very different, for all of us.  Both Bob & I went to public school and then University, following the "normal" path.  My school experiences were positive and I never imagined myself homeschooling.  But it's part of our adventure, and so we will all learn together.

Lily finished pre-kindergarten last week, and while others from her school are moving into Kindergarten, she won't be.  Here, kindergarten is optional and so there is no set curriculum for us to follow.  We will still be doing some schooling with her, but will focus on what she's interested in.
She had her last day of gymnastics today, and now all of the kids' extra-curricular activities are finished.

My last day of work is tomorrow.

Bob will be done work at the end of next week.

With all these things finishing up, and our possession date so soon, it really does feel like a chapter in our life is closing. It's a bitter-sweet feeling. We're headed off on a great adventure, but we're also leaving behind friends, family and so many memories.
I'm ready to start writing the next chapter in our family's life though. Right now it's just a rough outline; a sketch that we will flesh out as we travel.  I'm really curious to know what it is going to look like.

But, let's wrap this one up first!  There are still many things to be done before our move day, and many more before we'll really be ready to launch.  


  1. Wow! What an exciting adventure you're going on Morgan. I will really miss you. I won't be back to RMS either, starting at different school in Airdrie (AE Bowers). I am making my way through your family blog, looking forward to hearing all about your adventures! Have fun! Mrs Hodges

    1. Morgan says "Hi!" He's very excited about road schooling.
