Sunday 9 June 2013

Topsy Turvy Weekend

What a strange weekend.  Lily had her two dance recitals Fri evening and Sat morning.  So cute! And she was all smiles afterward.  But boy was she a tired camper after them!  My mom came down and stayed for both shows.  It was so nice to have her here.  Good thing she was here too, since I completely forgot to take any pictures of Lily in her dance costumes.  (thanks Mom!)

We had a showing Sat afternoon so went for lunch after the recital.  Came home expecting a quiet afternoon where we could relax and enjoy the sunshine.  The kids wanted to play outside, which was great, considering the rain was set to return Sun.  No sooner do I get the kids set up with the water table than our realtor calls stating the earlier showing wants to come in for a second look immediately.  Had to wake Bob up from his nap, shoo the kids out and re-tidy the house.  We headed off to the park because the kids wanted to play and we needed to go get the dually, which was in getting an oil change/ tire rotation in preparation for our trip.  No sooner do we get settled enjoying the playground than our realtor calls saying an offer is coming in and we need to be back at the house by 3:45.  Well, the truck wasn't ready to get yet, so we couldn't go get it.  We get home and no one is in sight and then we then learn that all the dealing will be done verbally.  And then the fun began.  Due to miscommunications, nit-picking on the buyers part and a whole lot of back and forth, a deal still isn't done.  We had to do more back and forth today, which really messed up the flow of the rest of the weekend.  So be it  - the deal will be made or it won’t.  At the moment, I’m fine with it falling either way.   At least all this has given us a nudge to remind us of how soon July is and how much we still need to get done before we head out. 

The Pilot is now listed on Kijiji, and I have a list of places to call tomorrow to find a storage unit.  Anyone looking for a vehicle (or two!)?

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