Friday 24 May 2013

Two steps forward...

… you know the drill.  Right now it feels like we've taken 10 steps back.  Last week the sale of the house fell through and since then we've only had a few showings.  It’s a bit of a let down, especially considering how crazy it was right before the offer came in.  I know that some of that is the long weekend and some is the weather.  Currently it’s raining buckets, and I mean rainfall warning and everything kind of buckets.  Not exactly house hunting weather.  Knowing all this doesn't make me feel any better though.  

And to make matters more frustrating, this weekend is the city wide garage sale.  A perfect opportunity to offload some of that pile that’s in my garage.  Except for the rain and the possibility of showings. Grrr.

I know this is all temporary, and that we'll be able to move forward again soon, but right now I feel bogged down in mental mud.  

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