Monday 13 May 2013

Make a decision already!

I have been driving myself and hubby absolutely crazy trying to choose an RV.  And I’m so done!  And yet we still haven ‘t bought the trailer…  So many things to consider – floor plan, cost, amenities, age, features, suitability for full-timing...  The list is endless!  I know I’m over thinking it all. I know I should just choose one and be content.  I mean, it’s not like I haven’t done my research. And anyone who knows me knows I never jump into anything blind. But is all this angst and worrying really helpful?  It’s just a part of who I am. Perhaps this journey will help me to let it go. 
In comparison, finding the truck was a cake-walk. There’s only three possible options when you need a dually.

Make a decision already!  

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