Sunday 12 May 2013

Making Connections

It’s funny. In the eleven years we've been here in Airdrie, I have never felt so connected to the community as I have since we decided to leave it. Maybe it’s just finally noticing all the things this vibrant fast growing community has to offer, knowing that we won’t be here to be part them, or maybe it’s that I finally have something to share, something to talk about. Since we've decided to head out on our adventure I've had long conversations with people that I have barely or never spoke to before. I've laughed more and shared more.  And I’m a pretty reserved person – well, to be more accurate, I’m terribly shy when it comes to sharing my life. Funny that this journey of ours has prompted me to start a blog and do exactly that!

It helps that it’s also (finally!) spring, and people are outside again after a long winter. And this winter has been long! Airdrie at the moment reminds me of a bear coming out of hibernation, shaking the sleepiness of the cold dark season off its shoulders. 

At the same time as I’m rediscovering our own community, I've discovered a whole vibrant community of people and families who travel, whether it be in an RV, around the world by plane or by boat or by bicycle.  There’s just something welcoming about these wonderful unconventional families that make me already feel a part of that community, even though I've never met any of them in person.  Check out some of them at  

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