Monday 6 May 2013

The beginning

Yesterday was a crazy day, and seems a fitting place to start this blog.  Ten days ago, after a whole month of preparation, we put our house on the market.  Yesterday we got an offer – unexpectedly.  And we received it while driving 2 hours to look at a truck.  Not the smartest idea to be negotiating two major deals at the same time, but it all turned out.  We bought our truck!  And accepted an offer on our house!  So much change all at once and a bit overwhelming.  These steps bring us so much closer to where we’re going but the enormity of it all is terrifying.  I admit, I shed a few tears last night when it all came crashing in.  We just sold our house and don’t yet have somewhere to move in to.  Yikes!  We just got a vehicle that is waaay more truck than anything we would ever normally need.  What the heck are you doing?!
Well, it all began years ago.  A discontent that began creeping in.  A desire to make some kind of change in the usual routine.  To think bigger and not spend my life – and my family’s life in an endless round of work and school and kid’s activities.  A feeling that solidified over the last while into a plan.  After much discussion we decided to make some big changes to our lives.  In July we will set off across North America for a year or maybe longer to explore, learn and show our children (and us!) more of what this amazing continent has to offer. 
It’s most definitely scary to commit to the decision to uproot ourselves from our stable life, sell our house and most of our belongings and move into 400 square feet, but it’s also freeing.  And we, as a family, feel the rewards will be enormous.   And right now, as all the steps we need to take to get ready for departure day seem insurmountable, I know that we can do it, because it’s worth it.  Time to take an enormous breath, or two or three or six and keep moving forward.

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