Sunday 10 November 2013


We've been to the Fremont Street Experience.
Light show on Fremont Street

We've drove and walked the Strip.
Near the Bellagio fountains and across from Paris

We've taken in some of the local attractions.
Jelly's at the Shark Reef Aquarium, Mandalay Bay

We've grocery shopped, seen where the truckers sleep and where the locals sleep.

We've taken in some natural sights just a stones throw from the big city.
Red Rock Canyon visitor centre

Red Rock Canyon

We've enjoyed the sun and warmth.

My verdict.
Las Vegas is an okay place. The real part that is. I'm not so fond of the Strip though. The enormous casinos and sights are overwhelming to the senses, and are really amazing to see all lit up at night. We saw New York, Paris, Egypt, Greece, fountains of water jetting up at least 50 feet high, dancing to music at the Bellagio, a casino with ceilings painted like the sky (Cesar's); and so many lights and neon all in one small stretch of land. Like I said, amazing, but underneath that shiny (and fake) exterior it's not so pretty. Inside the casinos people sat at flashing machines or card tables just on the possibility of walking away with more that they put in (I doubt many do). Outside, people carried drinks wherever you went, and while I couldn't find somewhere to purchase a regular slurpee, I certainly could have had my pick of any alcoholic one I wanted. More people in the streets trying to get you to part with your money for shows and merchandise, and homeless sitting on the walkways hoping for a handout. I don't mind some of this part of Vegas, but I don't think I'd want to visit often.

I like the Las Vegas that's away from the Strip better. There are definitely some seedier parts of town, but I think every big city has that. There's a very diverse population here, lending to a unique ethnic flair. Mexican restaurants nestle up to Thai and sushi restaurants and you can see people from every walk of life here. The locals are very polite, and patient on the road, which is so nice when you're a slightly lost out-of-towner! I'm sure some of that stems from the fact that this is a tourist town, but I think much of it is just how it is here (Bob says it's also because there are some crazy senior drivers!). And if you are in the mood for some culture, there is plenty to take in (both modern and ancient), and huge amounts of high quality entertainment (music, shows, you name it!).
I can't complain about the weather either (at least not for November).While Alberta shivers (sorry guys!), I have enjoyed T-shirt and capris. Finally! The sky here is a nearly cloudless blue - the same blue I always associate with Alberta summers. The sun is up by 6 am and by 7 it's bright, beckoning one to get up and do something! There's some really beautiful natural sights to see right nearby, and many more within a days drive.
So, yes, I've changed my overall opinion of Las Vegas, but I still don't think I'd want to live here. Sure, it's nice now, but desert in the summertime? yikes!
On a side note: Morgan thinks this place is fabulous, and evidently he would live here. As he says "It gets less winter here!" And there's a trampoline place, and pools to swim at and all sorts of bright lights to look at. Oh, yeah, he loved the slot machines (and they do look like big video games), and wanted to know where the kid ones were. Ah, how easy it is to be a kid!

We're moving tomorrow out to Lake Mead. There are several campgrounds to choose from, and while I'm not sure of the intelligence of moving an hour away from the airport (which I will need on Wed, and is currently only 10 min away), it will be interesting to have a different perspective of the area.