Saturday 16 November 2013

Invaders from the North

They’re everywhere! In the RV parks & campgrounds. On the streets.  In the businesses and on the roads.  No matter where I turn I see them.  


And a lot of them, considering just how far we are from our own border. It’s both shocking and pleasant. A bit like being at home, except the scenery is totally different. 
I’m familiar with the term “snowbird” but I never really grasped just how many Canadians flock south for the winter. It seemed at the large Oasis RV Resort, in Las Vegas, that every third or fourth unit was from Canada. Even at the small Boulder Beach campground, there were three others when we arrived.  And we’re only on the edge of snowbird territory!  

I remember in social studies, growing up, I was introduced to the term Manifest Destiny. The U.S. believed that one day Canada would be part of them. From my current perspective, the opposite is truer. Kinda.

While we may not have taken over, we certainly peacefully invade.

And why wouldn't we when this is what greets us at home! 

Morgan has it right – less winter is good!  

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