Tuesday 26 November 2013

Things I miss and things I don't

This is Bob’s perspective…
(I have done my very best to dictate word for word, and not put my words in)

I’m not missing TV as much as I thought.  Either we get enough or I’m just not as interested in it as I used to be.  Maybe that’s because most of the shows I used to watch were kind of wrapping up.
In general I’m not missing the shows I thought I would be.  The biggest thing I miss is the PVR. Just being able to flick it on and watch whatever I want (me too says Janine!). 

I miss work sometimes. Just kind of the routine of it, and the engagement, and having the challenge, I think. 

He asks me.. .Do you miss the old house? (then answers)… I’m surprised I don’t miss the house a bit more.  I miss the space a bit. {I point out we depersonalized it so much in preparation for selling that in the end it really wasn't ours anymore.He agrees.}

I miss having the kids go to school!  Sometimes. And a little bit of the interconnectedness the school brought. The community-ness.

I miss the car a bit. I thought I would miss it more, but I’m surprised I haven’t found the truck as hard to drive and as hard to park as I thought it would be. I mean, Vancouver was tough (the night we had to find a parking spot downtown and finally after a half-hour of hunting we turned down Robson St. and found lots of parking), but other than that it’s been good. Yeah, you have to park a bit further away, but that’s okay.    

I ask him “Do you miss Airdrie?” No, not as much as I thought I would. There are times. Like when we’re at a new grocery store and trying to find things. 

I miss my babysitters. It’s just nice to be able to get out and not worry too much. (time away from the kids is challenging to find!)

I kind of miss the good internet. I miss being able to log on and have the reliable high-speed internet. And I kind of thought we’d get that with the cell phones but it’s just not true. They’re capped and you don’t realize just how much data you use just watching a video or downloading a movie. 

And now for the kids’ perspectives…
Lily: I don’t miss our old trailer (tent trailer). I miss my school friends from preschool & prekindergarten.  And I kind of miss my old bed & my room too. It’s because we slept in different rooms in the old house. I do not miss our old TV’s. I don’t miss the things we don’t have anymore (the stuff we sold). 

Morgan: I do miss my home (house). And I do miss my school. Thanks all. {Bob states he thinks Morgan is fine with everything as long as he has the Wii!}

1 comment:

  1. I miss seeing all of you. I miss having some alone time with the kids, taking them for lunch and playing with them.
