Tuesday 12 November 2013

Now that's more like it!

We have moved out of Las Vegas over to Boulder Beach campground on Lake Mead (Boulder Basin, actually). It was a much shorter drive than we expected and is only a few miles from Boulder City and Hoover Dam (5 to be exact). It feels like we are in the middle of nowhere, but in reality, the city lights are just over the hill. I like this so much better.

To quote Marlin from Finding Nemo “A fish can really breathe out here!” 

This National Parks Service campground doesn't have hookups or cable or WiFi, unlike the RV park right next door, but it feeds my soul in a way that all those services can’t. The sites are spacious and ours is shaded, the scenery is beautiful, the other campers are friendly, and it’s populated just enough to feel comfortable and safe, but not so full as to feel cramped. It feels like a place where the kids can run, bike, explore and just be kids without me having to rein in their enthusiasm. It seems so much easier to just get outside and be outside than our last stop was (nothing against it, I just seem to get extra uptight about “appearances” in a park with lots of people & rules). 
Here, I can relax at the picnic table, or enjoy watching the kids play in the water of the lake (the beach is a short drive/ moderate walk away), and Munchie can actually go outside to sun herself and roll in the dust.  Schoolwork is nicer when it can be done outside in the sunshine (Morgan may have a slightly differing opinion).

I guess it just feels more like my home & yard than a spot that I am renting to put my trailer on. I hope my family makes good use of it while I’m away in Calgary for the next four days!

Boulder Beach at dusk

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