Tuesday 5 November 2013

Halloween in Duvall

You’ll have to pardon the lateness of my Halloween post.  We've been a bit busy the last few days! (more on that soon)
Remember that brake squeal we heard on the way down from Vancouver. Well, we didn't contact anyone to see if we could get in to get them checked until after the weekend. Big fat Not A Chance! So we decided to tackle the job ourselves. My dad had shown me how to check the brakes and repack bearings on our tent trailer, but this would be the first time doing it all by my(our)selves. We didn't managed to get all four hubs done on Wednesday (we got half done), so that meant we’d be staying to finish on Thursday. And if we’re staying, we better stay for trick-or-treating!
Flyers we had seen around town indicated that many of the businesses along main street Duvall were going to be handing out treats, and the Chamber of Commerce was hosting a kids Halloween party. Sounded pretty good.  Jeff, Bob’s friend (whose acreage we were staying at), had told us that Halloween was a pretty big deal in the area too. 
Thursday morning met us with rain, which kyboshed our plans for inspecting the other two hubs (pushing that job out to Friday morning). Morgan did some school work, and we tidied up instead. The clouds cleared in the afternoon, and it was warm enough that we didn't need jackets outside. Around 3 pm we piled into the truck, kids in costume (Morgan as Iron Man, and Lily as a fairy), and headed into Duvall. At first it didn't seem like many people were out, but that assessment changed pretty quickly. Kids and adults in costume were everywhere! By 5 pm main street was packed with people. And I mean packed. Many of the businesses were giving away treats outside their crowded front doors, and those who had candy inside had a constant stream of people in and out their door. I've never seen anything like it back home. Of course, it’s a fair bit warmer in Duvall than it usually is in Airdrie for Halloween. Easier to stay out when you’re not freezing!

Morgan & Lily got their fill of candy (in their tummies and treat bags) and then we went to the Chamber’s Halloween party, which was also on main street. There, they played a variety of games and make crafts and ate popcorn before getting played out, themselves.
They were all done with the excitement by 6, so we hopped back in the truck and popped over to Safeway, so I could grab something for supper that didn't consist of candy!    

The kids had fun, but both said they enjoyed trick-or-treating at our old house in Airdrie better because they could go to “two whole bays!”. Hmm. I guess busier isn't always better.

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