Saturday 8 February 2014

Things my kids say

I often get too serious and forget to see the humor in daily life. I get bogged down in myself, and my kids are great for pulling me out of it – in some fashion. Sometimes they make me crack up, sometimes they make me angry, and sometimes, they just make me scratch my head.

“We’re going to Egypt!”  says Morgan as we drive over the ocean near Pensacola. In his mind it makes perfect sense – ocean, heading east. Apparently that means Egypt. The subsequent geography lesson didn't really matter to him, as at the very next bridge the words were repeated (this time with a big grin). He said it each time with such enthusiasm that I found myself wanting to believe him. Wouldn't it be cool if we could drive to Egypt? (I wonder what he’ll think of the Confederation Bridge?)

“Yes! Got it!” from Lily after every picture she took at Manatee Springs. Using Bob’s good camera (um, who was the silly adult who entrusted that to her? Riiight, that would be me!). She was quite intense and serious about the whole thing, but not always careful. At least it (and she) didn't end up in the Swanee River as she teetered on the edge of the floating dock taking pictures. That reminds me, I should go look at those pictures.  I may have a budding photographer on my hands. 

 “Mom. Don’t take away the Wii. Never take away the Wii. If you take away the Wii I’ll ….” (I don’t know how this sentence ends because at this point Morgan walks away or mumbles something I can’t really understand – every time.)

“Mama. Mama. Mama.  Mama”…. Lather, rinse, repeat… (Imagine this getting slightly louder and shriller with every repetition.) This Can Not be ignored for long. 

“Hugs.” or ”I love you.” Both of which are very nice things to hear, but these are also things Lily says after she’s gotten into trouble. Or knows she’s about to get into trouble. Yep, my 5 year old is a master manipulator. Always has been. Good thing she’s cute! 

“Did you know that on __ (insert game name here) you can…” (My hearing usually fades out at this point, replaced by white noise – kinda like when Bob talks electronics bits). Morgan is determined to teach me all about these games he loves so much, and he doesn't give up. Sorry kiddo, I just can’t grasp it, no matter how many times you tell me!

“I’m trying to raise money.” My boy is quite the little entrepreneur.  For as long as I can remember him understanding the concept of money he has come up with these schemes to make money, generally in order to buy Wii games. Until recently he hasn't actually implemented any of these plans, but recently he decided to give it a go. Actually, he did quite well on his last venture.  He gathered all the apples in the house, got them in a basket and sold them to people at the campground for 25 cents apiece. Apparently people will buy apples from cute kids! (Note to the world: He also has master plans for an underground city where everyone will work for him for free. And no one will need money. Oh, and apparently he has plans to take over the Canadian government so he no longer has to do Grade 2. Look out world!!!!)

Silly stuff like this helps keep me grounded in our own particular reality. No matter where we are, my kids are my kids, and what comes out of their mouths is the same (well, except for the Egypt part! The Grand dictator part, I’ll be keeping a close eye on.). And I love them that much more for it.  

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