Friday 14 February 2014

I hate being sick!

Ugh. I hate being sick, anytime. I especially hate being sick now, while we’re traveling. At least, when I was stationary, I only felt like I was missing the usual stuff – school/work/activities that would come around again next week. Now that we’re traveling, being sick means missing out on exploring, doing fun activities and experiences, seeing areas which we might never come back to, and sometimes it means missing out on connecting with people. Grr!!
We've managed to stay fairly healthy during our travels; the notable exceptions being Christmas (reducing my family visit time), and now.
After spending four activity-filled days in Tampa at a rally for full-time families (and those dreaming of the lifestyle), we moved over towards Orlando and I ended up sick with something that felt a lot like the flu. (It’s small comfort that several other families who attended also came down with the same thing.)  
And in the blink of a feverish cough, all our fun plans for Orlando disappeared. Instead I got to spend two and a half days freezing in 26 degree heat, as fever zapped away my will and ability to do anything. (Well, except day 2, where Bob convinced me to come help with the kids at the amusement park for the afternoon. I must admit, moving around did make me feel a bit better – for a while.) Day three my fever finally broke and I started to feel better. Unfortunately at that point, Morgan picked up where I had left off. Kids are amazingly resilient though and his recovery is going much faster than mine. Bob decided to get in on the fun, but Lily has managed to stay healthy as well.

I can deal with not getting to see all the sights of Orlando – we’d only booked four days there, and have now moved an hour and a half away. But we can go back again before we leave Florida, if we really want to. Most disappointing of all is missing out on an opportunity to see some of my extended family. Nineteen – count em, NINETEEN!!!! – of them have been vacationing in Orlando for the past two weeks and I was so looking forward to seeing everyone. Being sick pretty much put a kibosh on that plan. I certainly don’t want to expose anyone else to these germs (whatever type they may be), no matter how much I would love to visit. To add insult to injury, on the day we moved away from Orlando we declined their invitation to join them at Legoland (in order to keep our still-present germs to ourselves and not from lack of wanting to go!), and then drove Right Past the place. SIGH L 

No More Getting Sick!
Chair (and blankie) reserved for sick people!

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