Tuesday 25 February 2014

A Pop of Color

Yes, I've left the cubby alone intentionally - for now
The kids have been asking to have their bedroom painted for months. I've finally gotten to it, and the result is definitely colorful. It’s interesting that both have chosen colors that they had in the house, but it makes sense. Their bedroom certainly looks more like a bedroom now, rather than a bunk room in a trailer. 
It’s a bit of a riot to my eyes, but the kids both like it, and that’s what counts.

Neither of them wanted the draperies changed

Flowers painted by Lily and myself

Next up: the living room!

...It's funny what makes home feel like home. We've always had color in our house, and painting it back to boring brown to sell it made it feel less like our home. Just a few coats of paint in kid's room and the trailer transforms just a little bit into MY home (not just somewhere I live).

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