Thursday 22 August 2013


Here I sit in Airdrie, while the rest of the family is in Whitehorse. And let me tell you, it feels very weird. Very surreal. I was fine on the plane until we began our descent into Calgary and then, looking out at the green fields, bright sunny sky, and signs of civilization everywhere I was struck with this feeling of wrongness. Like: “I’m not supposed to be here. I’m supposed to be in Whitehorse!” Until that moment I hadn't realized how much my thinking had changed in the weeks we've been travelling, and how much I had made the trailer my home. 

For the rest of the day I felt lost/ out of step/ off balance, like my whole self couldn't quite figure out what I was doing here. I apologize to my Mom, who came down to see me and I just couldn't wrap my head around the abrupt change in location enough to really appreciate her visit (sorry mom).  
I am enjoying the change in many ways (seeing people, being in a totally familiar environment, and such). But it’s a bit like I splintered into two when I hopped on that airplane. The greater part of me is here in Airdrie, working through my list of errands and appointments. A part of me is still in Whitehorse, though, with Bob & the kids. Internet/phone/texts only accentuate that. While I was here (and on my way here) they went to the Beringia Centre (I need a report when I get back!) and later were out for supper at Klondike Rib & Salmon (no fair!), and visiting the Fishway again for their appreciation night (double no fair!!  (I think I have a soft spot for migrating salmon now)).
At the Fishway Wed pm -way more Salmon there this time

Today is better as I found my groove, and had Things to do. Things that kept me firmly grounded here. (Who else does better with set times and deadlines?) I now have Morgan’s school work for the year. Looks like I have some homework to do before I can assign any to Morgan! Morgan & Lily sounded in high spirits when I talked briefly to them today when they were at Long Lake. (I’m pretty sure any day at the beach is a good day to my two.)

Tomorrow I head back to Whitehorse, and we head out of Whitehorse. We’re still not sure where we’re going, but that’s okay. It’s just one of those perks (?) in the new life we’re still easing into.
This side trip has reaffirmed though that it’s definitely where I want to be. It’s easy to lose track of the bigger picture when you’re still working to find your happy place in it. So, besides getting a myriad of tasks completed, I get to go back to my family refreshed and reminded of just how cool what we’re doing is. (Or as the clerk at the one store said to me “how are you so freakin’ awesome!” Lol)

(P.S. A great big, Huge! Thank you to my friend Michelle who opened her house to me & loaned me her car to drive all over the place with. Thank you J )