Saturday 10 August 2013

Laundry Bliss

After a quiet morning where we visited the small Fort Nelson farmers market & picked up some yummy fresh peas, carrots, beans and fresh baked buns, I gathered up the laundry and drove to one of the local Laundromats. The rest of the family had lunch and then went swimming at the local pool.
Sure, I could have left the laundry there for the attendant, and joined Bob & the kids, but those two family-free hours are so blissful. It’s not just the time away (although that is a huge part of it). There is something calming about sorting and folding the laundry; the repetitive motion where your brain can just drift away while the body does the work. It’s something familiar, regardless of where I am, and it’s about the only time when I feel calm and centred lately in a life that still seems more chaotic than blissful. Hey, I’ll take it wherever I can find it!
(and as an added note, I’m pretty sure I should turn off my phone or leave it behind in order to actually achieve family-free time. )

P.S. If anyone has a better method of carting laundry to and from the Laundromat than garbage bags, please share!


  1. Anything can be calming if you let it. Even making potato salad :)
    Do you have any wheeled luggage? That would work for the laundry.
