Friday 16 August 2013

Report from the kids

Now that we’ve been living in the trailer for a while I thought it might be a good idea to get the kids’ perspectives on this journey of ours.

From Morgan:

What do you think about moving out of the house and into the trailer?
M. Neat. But a little crazy. 
Crazy?  How?
M. I mean like (sigh), crazy as never before. {life has been a bit crazy, I’ll agree with that!}
Is there anything you miss?
M.  Oh, well no. Just, my old home. And I just want to play on the wii a lot. {he’s unimpressed when we’re away from power for days}. And living in it more.  And alone – no friends and no one at school.  {this is something I worry about for him too}
Is there anything you like better/ are more excited about?
M. Not much. It’s just a little crazy.
What would make living in the trailer feel less crazy?
M. When you pay for more days to stay here.  {Obviously our recent stint of short stays and constant moves are making us all feel ready to stay put for a bit}
What has your favorite place been so far?
M.  I do like fairs! {he refers to Red Deer, and there’s a fair here in Whitehorse at the moment that he really wants to go to – for a candy apple, lol}
L. me too!
Is there anything else you’d like tell me?
M. I went to a river. {okay then!}

From Lily:
What do you think about moving out of the house and into the trailer?
L. (pout) I don’t know. I don’t really like it. 
Why not?
L. The trailer is smaller than our old house and I liked running around in our old house. {That’s what outside is for!}
Is there anything you miss?
L.  I miss my old bed –it’s bigger. And I miss my quiet time at bed.  Morgan just goes yap yap yap!  There’s just not as much space. 
Is there anything you like better or are excited about?
L. I do like the flowers I saw at the store yesterday {pretty pink roses}
What could we do trailer to make it feel better or more like home?
L.  Get Morgan in another bedroom. Cause he keeps me up! I’d like my own curtains on my side of the bed. And some colors and some glow in the dark stars on the roof of my bed. {we can do that!}
What has been your favorite place so far?
L. The fair. {lol.  Really!?}
Is there anything else you’d like to tell me?
L.  Some things are really different about this.  I miss my other school friends. In our trailer I’m not going to have any new friends… Unless I invite them over for a play date.
Remember, you’ve found kids to play with in lots of places. 
Well, yeah….How many days until we’re in school?

It’s obvious that we still need to work on our travel schedule and finding a balance. The initial excitement has worn off and the kids are feeling a bit homesick for everything familiar. I can totally relate! Next week I fly to Calgary and will bring back all the kids’ school supplies. They have both been looking forward to school since the school year finished (crazy kids!). Perhaps the addition of school may be enough to push us onto a firmer schedule and let everyone settle in.    

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