Wednesday 11 June 2014


For months now, as I've been writing we were here, we did this posts I've been avoiding the big issues.
I can't escape them, though. No matter how hard I want to. My family reminds me every time I talk with them. The other RVing families remind me every time I hear about their travel plans. Perfect strangers remind me with their questions. 
What's the plan?

Meaning the future. Our future.

Where are we going to end up? What is our timeline? What are our future plans? 

When we set out, the plan was to be gone for a year, and then be back in Alberta again in time to put the kids back into public school. We'd get jobs & return to a sedentary lifestyle.

Now that the summer is getting closer, and August isn't so far away, that cut and dry scenario isn't so clear anymore. In fact, it's really, really murky.

To settle down again, or to keep traveling, or perhaps to travel part time?  
These are the questions (which spawn more questions).
To which I have no real answers.

There are many things to consider, and some of them are complicated - at least to me - what we want for the future, what's best for schooling the kids, money & jobs, and where do we want to end up.
The clock is ticking. The hammer is poised. 

My head is like a little hamster wheel, with thoughts chasing themselves around and around and around, getting no where fast. I've tied myself up in knots. It feels impossible right now.

It can't be avoided for much longer.

Regardless of whether we choose to keep traveling or settle down we do have to return to Alberta by fall - and spend some time there to take care of a variety of things that can only be done in person. But, as for the rest of it... well, decisions will have to be made soon!

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