Saturday 7 June 2014

A week in Montreal: part one

During our week here we mixed old with new, culture with nature, learning with fun, and a visit with old friends (new to me). Bob has been here many times for conferences, but coming for work and coming for your own exploration are totally different experiences.
Our first foray onto the island of Montreal saw us heading to downtown to replace the kids’ busted IPad at the Apple Store (hooray for warranties).Other than the one-way streets that are a usual part of many city centers, driving wasn't a problem. Finding a parking spot for the truck, however, was. Forty minutes, and one missed appointment later, we finally got the bright idea to ask at the Visitor Info center. Success! (Note: the parkade across the street from the Visitor Info Center does valet parking. Even for big dually’s!) But our delayed start meant we were all a bit fed up with downtown & only explored Rue St. Catherine a little bit (the Chapter’s is fantastic though). We still managed to leave right in the thick of rush hour traffic!

The day finished up better with a visit to the house of a former co-worker of Bob’s for a wonderful home-cooked Italian meal. Good food and good conversation is always a great way to end the day, and I left feeling (once again) awed by the hospitality of Bob’s work friends. These visits are quite an eye opener for me, as I always learn new & interesting things about Bob's former work life.

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