Saturday 28 September 2013

Well that didn't work!

You’ll recall how excited I was to be settling down somewhere and not having to move for a while.  LOL!  Yeah, that didn't work out quite the way I was expecting. 

We arrived in Penticton just fine, and set ourselves up at the local campground, where Bob's parents had a reservation starting Thursday. It was quite tight getting down into the campground itself and then with the way their sites are set up we had to go across several of them just to fit. Anyway, all that contortion was a lot of work for a one night stay, since we had to pack up first thing to have the trailer to the dealer for repairs by 9 am Wed morning. After walking the tech through the trailer we all (adults, kids & cat) were homeless for the day. We went to the Skaha Lake playground to let the kids burn off some energy and then over to the library for a couple hours where Morgan did some school work and I had a frustrating search for specific school books for him. Four-thirty rolled around, and we went to collect the trailer.

Upon arrival at the dealer we discovered that our supposedly simple slide fix was a bit more complicated that first anticipated and that they’d like it back to investigate further. Okay. Huh. So we booked it in for the next day to get it worked on some more. In the meantime, however, Bob had booked in the truck for some much needed maintenance Thursday morning too. So, now we would be trailer-less and truck-less for several hours. I booked Munchie into boarding at the local vet (oh boy was she unimpressed with me! On the plus side, I was able to get more of her food without calling her vet for a prescription), and we decided to stay at a closer campground so we wouldn't have to move as far.

First thing I did when we collected the trailer is stick my fingers into some freshly done sealant. Oops! Guess that spot would need to be redone. Thank goodness it had been a decent day, because then everything would have a chance to dry out and cure. Um, yeah. Not so much. It poured that night. At least we got to check our problem spots!  

Up again the next morning to take the trailer in, drop off the cat at the vet, drop the kids and I back at the library to start on the day’s schoolwork and then have Bob take the truck to the GM dealer. We got sick of the library after a couple hours, went for lunch and then walked to the dealer to pick up the truck. It was about 2 by that point. The cool of the morning had cleared and the afternoon actually ended up being fairly warm and sunny. We decided to take a break and go to the beach/ playground for a while as we waited for the trailer. Just as we were leaving the beach to pick up the trailer we unexpectedly crossed paths with Sarah and the kids. We had a very quick visit, got to meet the baby, and then had to go. By 5 we had regrouped and set off back to the first campground to join up with Bob’s parents, who had just arrived. 
Finally, two days later than I expected, we could actually settle in. Aaaaahhhhh.

Over this brief period of time, we had a several “what the??” moments
-the apparent leak in our grey water tank never materialized. The insulation underneath was sopping wet, but there was no evidence of a leak from the tank itself (and they filled it completely full). Now that’s a head scratcher.
- when we collected the trailer for the second time, we learned that the main slide is slowly pulling the itself apart due to unequal forces and inadequate building to handle those forces. The dealer added some bolts to help strengthen the area, but at some point a complete rebuild of the slide mechanism may be required. Sigh. (I’m really hoping our extended warranty will cover this mess.)When we purchased the trailer we did so based a bit on the reputation of Travellaire being a well-built unit, and we have found some really bone-headed build mistakes inside and out. Guess nothing is built perfect, but really, that one should have been obvious!  
-the forecast, which had predicted the weekend would be cooler, and a little bit wet and then getting nice again has been completely altered, and now the forecast has been completely downgraded. More rain and cool temperatures for at least the next week. Really?! Apparently we have somehow invoked the rain gods and we now have rain following us wherever we go. Anyone know how to make it stop? (hmm, perhaps we can hire out and bring rain to parched areas.) 

-to top it all off, Morgan caught a cold and proceeded to share with us. Thanks kid.  

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