Friday 13 September 2013

Morgan and Lily go on a boat ride

We never did get data working on my US SIM card, and so we did not have internet access for days, and days and days.  Oh the horror!!  Well, actually it's only been a few days, but it feels like forever.

Anyway... after leaving Anchorage, we headed south to Seward on the coast, following the scenic Seward Highway. We traveled the length of the Turnagain Arm (which is really cool, and I'll write about later), through beautiful mountains and arrived a few hours later on the coast to Resurrection Bay and the town of Seward.  
The next day we took a marine wildlife cruise, even though it was pouring rain and rather chilly.  This is the report the kids dictated to Bob that evening.

If you can't read it, it says:
"Lily and Morgan go on a boat ride.
We saw sea otters (3 or 4).  Mommy got seasick when we went over big waves. Lily brought her crackers, in case she got hungry. 
We saw a whale a couple minutes later.
Morgan & Lily had hot chocolate to drink, and rice and bread to eat. Near the end of the trip they had a brownie. 
Lily earned a junior forest ranger badge for completing the ranger activity book.
P.S. Lily also had a nice visit in the wheelhouse with the captain."

Sea warriors

Lily getting her badge
Up close to one of the waterfalls

Meeting the captain

The kids enjoyed the cruise, especially Lily who did her junior forest ranger workbook and got to charm the captain at the end of the trip. The waves made Morgan a bit dizzy, but a bit of playing on his IPod and he was fine. As the kids reported, I spent a good portion of our 5 hour tour rather queasy and so didn't enjoy it as much as they did. In an effort to not share my queasiness with everyone, I spent much of my time up on deck - in the pouring ice cold rain, which resulted in me being queasy, soaked to the bone and shivering cold. Good times! lol. It was kind of fun (the cruise, not the seasickness); I just wish I had felt better to enjoy it more.

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