Monday 4 August 2014

Westward focused

I knew this would happen.
The moment I reached the eastern edge of the continent every fiber of my being focused west (yeah, yeah. I can hear your eyes rolling!)
Of course it's all west from there! What I mean, though, is that every thought is now focused on Alberta. It's time to get back. There are so many things that need taking care of there. Things to finish up. Things to resolve. Things to decide.
There are family and friends who we haven't seen in a long time. I am excited to see everyone. And I know the grandparents are longing to see their little monkeys (who aren't nearly as little as they were when we first set out!).

Alberta is a long way from Newfoundland, though (over 6500 km).
Even driving all day, every day it will take some time to get there. And this journey isn't about going as far as fast as possible. We will be stopping to check out places that tug on our curiosity and stopping to take a breath here and there. But we will be passing by many things on our way.
It's okay. I'm okay with passing by, because it isn't a one time shot. I Can Come Back.

Nothing has been decided for the future. Other than the immediate future. And, right now, that will have to do. Now it's time to move.

Westward ho!

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