Wednesday 6 August 2014

The Future

What are our plans for the future?

I keep getting asked variants of this question, and it's just stressing me out. 
Because I just can't answer. 
I feel like I'm getting pulled in multiple directions - torn apart by the needs and wants of different people. And we aren't of one mind.

Our future? Everything is up in the air. Kind of. We're headed back to Alberta - not at light speed, but much faster than we've traveled for a long time. Bob wants to be there in just over a week. I think that's ambitious - we're still nearly 4000km away! 

The decisions on what to do once we get there, are complicated. 

We haven't committed to continue traveling.
I haven't committed to resettling.

Morgan wants to go back to Ralph McCall for this upcoming school year (Lily wants to homeschool). Of all the things I could be afraid of, Morgan's schooling seems to be the one that stresses me out the most. Lily' will be fine anywhere - she's a social butterfly, and will catch up and settle in easily. Morgan, though, needs a school that can understand and nurture him. (mommy guilt runs rampant with this)
Or, I could just keep homeschooling (which is both a scary thought and a freeing one).

Bob's ex-coworkers keep letting him know about job opportunities in Calgary Bob could explore (I am trying to point out that his old employer is a horrible place to work - aside from the money). At the moment, it seems like he wants to go back to work and settle back in to the routine which the majority of the population leads. (Of course he never actually straight up says Anything, so I'm just guessing.)

It feels like we're about to fall right back into the life (and location we left). This past year, just a blip. And the thought of it is suffocating. I feel like I'm being stuffed back into that mold that never fit quite right. There are some serious benefits to staying still though - like actually being able to see friends and family regularly! 
I'd personally like to keep traveling - definitely not at the same pace we've set for this past year, and not roaming nearly as far. Constant movement is exhausting! It's also expensive - it's hard watching money bleed from the accounts and not have any come in to replace it. Those aside, it has been an amazing learning experience - history, geography, culture, meeting people and seeing what makes a place vibrant. It has made me realize that the world is both much larger and much smaller than I ever could have imagined. 
I don't know if continuing traveling is the best decision for the family, though. There's a lot of friction and stress that comes with it (at least for our family). 

Like I said, complicated. 

There has to be a happy ground everyone can live with!

From reading various sources (blogs, newspapers, magazines, internet) I know there are a million combinations and permutations to life. There has to be some combination that's going to work for us. 

But, it's really hard to figure things out when we are constantly on the move. There's just no time (and resources) to really figure things out. It feels like we're living in a bubble, somewhat isolated from the rest of the world. (It's amazing how much we rely on the internet for information! Whatever did people do before it was invented?).

Anyway, no matter what we decide, in a few weeks (at the most) we'll be back in our home province, and won't be going anywhere (far) for months.  

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