Monday 9 December 2013

Man, am I tired! (aka Disneyland week)

I need a nap. A long one.

I am so tired that I can hardly string a sentence together, much less a cohesive blog post! Those darned, super long, exhausting, fantastically fun filled days at Disneyland and a day at Universal Studios combined with a (very) noisy RV park and fighting a bit of a bug have done me in. Totally worth it though!

The whole family is tired and we had the luxury of taking a week to do 3 days at Disneyland. I cannot imagine how vacationing families don’t completely exhaust themselves visiting the Los Angeles area, especially if they only have a few days to experience it all.  

Cute facepaint
California Screamin coaster
I have many thoughts on the past week, and I would love to share it all, but it seems my brain will just not co-operate. Sigh. Pictures will have to do for now. Maybe our new campground in San Diego (Mission Bay RV Resort) will let me rest up and regain my brain cells!  

Lily met Santa and lots of the characters

1 comment:

  1. There is probably worst things than being exhausted from having too much fun! Hope you guys get over all of your bugs and get rested (and no worries, we are all fighting bugs here in Alberta as well!). The pictures tell a thousand words!

