Sunday 22 December 2013

Christmas prep

Have you ever really thought about how you prepare for Christmas? I’m guessing you probably put up your Christmas tree & decorate it, maybe put up lights on the house. You might take in your local Christmas festivities or sights, whether it be performances, viewing the neighbourhood lights & decorations, or attending the community display or activity. You go out to your favourite stores to present shop for friends & family, stock up on food at your preferred grocery store and possibly even order gifts and such on line for delivery to your door, or to someone else’s.   
You know where you need to go to do all these things, you just need the time. 

Now, what if you weren't in your familiar environment? What would you do? What if your location changed often enough that you had to find out where the grocery stores & shopping were before you could even go there to get your items? What about a Christmas tree, and decorations and doing Christmassy things? 
These are all things we are addressing this year.
Sure, we may be on the road traveling and seeing the sights, but we still want to celebrate the holidays.  It’s a bit harder, but definitely doable. It just takes a little ingenuity and research to find out what’s happening in the area. 
We don’t have floor space for a tree, but we do have empty spaces on a few walls. I’m quite happy with how our wall tree has turned out. I cut the shape & put it up, and the kids have had fun choosing & making decorations for it. Other decorations (lots of paper snowflakes) around the rest of the place make our home feel a bit more festive.  It is annoying that we don’t have any of our Christmas stuff with us, but oh well, can’t do anything about that right now. At any rate, a few trips to Michael’s and such, and voila, Christmas decoration conundrum solved.  No lights this year, but that’s mainly because I haven’t found any I like.
Shopping for presents has been a bit more of a challenge as it takes a bit of time to get the lay of the land, so to speak, and then navigate through the unfamiliar stores (and the same store in a different place is often not laid out the same).  As well, driving through unfamiliar streets is not always comfortable (or easy with the big dually!).  I’m noticing that legal U-turns are the norm in California for getting turned around, but they just aren't feasible with the long box! Also having only one vehicle sometimes makes it more difficult for everyone to run the errands they need to (especially when trying to purchase gifts).  But we get er done. 
Lily on the train at CALM
Every community has something going on for Christmas, and Bakersfield is no different. During our week in Bakersfield we've walked (and taken a train) through the California Living Museum’s (CALM) dazzling Holiday Lights display (and looked at their reptile house & their big cats) and visited the Kern County Museum’s holiday festivities, which included a musical lighted tree, skating (on artificial surface – too funny), and tubing (down those big slide ramps used at fairs, with actual ice at the bottom). Both events were interesting, quite busy with people, and both helped us feel like we are actually taking part in the holiday, rather than just watching it go by(like we've watched so many miles of road go by).  
It’s been challenging preparing for the holidays, especially having moved a few times this month, but interesting too. Seeing how other places prepare for and celebrate the holiday has made me think a bit more about traditions and how much the Canadian environment influences what I think of as the Christmas season. I know it’s nearly Christmas, but I’m finding it a bit odd not being in the snow & cold at Christmas. I’m so used to short days, chilly nights and snow meaning winter – and Christmas. Here the days are short (dark by 5), but it’s only cool out, not cold (we all needed long sleeves and a jacket, but definitely not cold weather gear) and there’s no snow (although I guess Bakersfield does get some; definitely none in San Diego though!). 
Regardless of all this, it’s time for one more move before Christmas arrives. We’re off to the Bay area to see my family. Although I’m missing the snow at the moment, I’m glad I’m not in my frozen north homeland, trying to drive my home through it. Stay safe everyone, and Happy holidays!


  1. Bob, Janine, Morgan and Lily - We wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for 2014 and your ongoing travels! We all have our own holiday traditions but at the end of the day, it is just about enjoying time with our loved ones (today, Nadia and Liam and I made Christmas Shrink-a-dinks!). Take care and have a wonderful holiday with your extended family!

    Chaymie and Chris

  2. Looks like you're having fun. I'm looking forward to your post from SF.
