Monday 12 May 2014

Niagara Falls: the Butterfly Conservatory

Anyone who’s been reading the blog regularly has probably noticed I like butterflies. So, when the WonderPass included a trip to the Butterfly Conservatory, I was all for that! 
I've been to several butterfly houses before, but I don’t think I have been to one with as many flyers.  Butterflies were everywhere!

At first, it seemed like all the butterflies were on the wing, but then one landed, and as eyes refocused, I realized that the leaves & flowers were full of them as well.

Blue Morpho’s (my favorite) flocked together and chased each other looking like crazy blue streamers in the air. 

One battered looking fellow took a pause on Morgan’s bright red shirt. Morgan was enthralled.

Feeding stations were a great place to see many butterflies at once.

The many flowering plants did the same thing, naturally.

One landed in on the ground in front of the kids, and they spent several minutes both trying to convince it to climb on their hand – no go though.

This Banded Peacock shimmered in the sun. Shiny and yet camouflaged at the same time.

Another great camouflage example

So many pretty butterflies! These are only a few of the ones we saw.
(Tiger Longwing)

(don’t know!)

(Owl Butterfly)



Just a note: Once the Maid of The Mist gets in the water, the Butterfly Conservatory is dropped from the WonderPass. Regardless, of whether it’s part of a package deal or not, I think it is well worth the visit.  

1 comment:

  1. That could be a Goliath Birdwing if it was a big one. They are native to New Guinea. Nice pictures. xoxo
