Sunday 13 April 2014

Just not feelin it

To my friends & family who've been wondering where I've gone.
Well, I just haven’t been feeling it. Everything has felt so flat
School – boring
Sites – meh
Life – yeah, yeah, whatever.
I just haven’t felt inspired to write about anything, or really get into anything, which is too bad, because we've gone to some pretty neat places. But I just couldn't work up any excitement about them.
Call it burnout, writers block, or depression. Perhaps it is that every time I start writing a post, or choosing pictures for it I get comments from the peanut gallery that these take so much time, and I just gave up... Whatever the reason, the result is the same.
I’m still not feeling it, really, but since people seem to be wondering, I’ll catch you up a bit. I last left you in Savannah, Georgia. Since then we have:
Spent a couple days in nowhere South Carolina doing nothing more strenuous than school, going for walks, and (finally) checking out this Waffle House place I've been noticing absolutely everywhere in the south (if you ever visit one, try the loaded hashbrowns. Yum.)
On our walk someone called us “The All American family”. Um, I think we've been here too long. (of course, the kids looked like this, so I'm not really sure what to make of that comment)

Gone to Myrtle Beach (SC).  
Playing in the ocean (Bob & the kids, that is – I’m not going in 49 F water); swimming in the resort’s pool;  swimwear shopping (seriously, there’s a beach store on every block here. Sometimes three!); a boat ride, where we didn't see the hoped for dolphins, but did get a nice tour of fancy houses and a swinging bridge, and some rockin waves (can you blame me for not getting excited about this one?); and munching our way through a rather excellent (albeit slightly pricey) seafood buffet where Lily ate through two plates of snow crab were the highlights of our four days there. Leaving day was absolutely beautiful, and I could have certainly spent many more days here. But we had only so much time available to keep to other plans.

Colonial Williamsburg
Stopped in Williamsburg (VA). There is so much history in this area. I really should buck up and write a proper post about our time here, and explain some of it.Visits to Colonial Williamsburg, Historic Jamestowne, (the first English settlement in North America – and here I could have spent a lot more time), and Berkeley Plantation fleshed out the history a bit for us. The weather didn't co-operate very well during our stay as rain and cold kept us from really enjoying some of our outings. As with so many other times, moving day was absolutely gorgeous. 
Moved onward to Washington DC( which really deserves its own post.) Here, I got to visit with my Grandma & two of my aunts, who had flown all the way across the country to see DC. Since we knew they were going to be here, and we were heading up the east coast anyway, we planned it so that we could meet up with them. It was so nice to see them all, and definitely the highlight of my time in DC. Lily got to celebrate her birthday with her relatives, which was extra special. We traveled to the Mall several times via the Metro, (highlight for the kids) to see the Natural History Museum & the Air & Space Museum.We did walk around a bit to see some monuments and spent an afternoon at the National Zoo. But, it seemed darned near impossible to work up any get up and go to get our butts out of the house before noon, or see more of the sights. 

Across the road from our site

And so we packed it in and headed to the Maryland coast, to Assateague National Seashore so that I could see some wild Assateague ponies, just like the ones I read about when I was a child (I saw four!). We chose the windswept ocean side of the narrow barrier island to camp on. Beautiful ocean view, but boy did the wind blow! The leeward side of the island is full of trees, salt marsh, and is a bit more protected from the wind, but the beach drew my kids like a magnet (no one else cared about the horses). 

Three days there, and now we've traveled through the crazy, winding road system that is Delaware and southern Pennsylvania (or perhaps that was just thanks to our crazy GPS – you've already heard this rant, so I shall spare you) and landed ourselves in Lancaster, PA. 


  1. The first picture of Lily won't enlarge. Just keep writing. Sometimes that all you need to get over whatever is bugging you. Maybe it's Spring Fever. Or Twist fever since you were around all those alligators!
    Spring is sprung.
    The bird is on the wing.
    Oh my word.
    I thought the wing was on the bird.
    Ogden Nash.

  2. Twist Fever!!!! That must be it. It's snowing here, again... So I hope it's nicer where you are. We love you and miss you sissy.
    Remember: Have an attitude of gratitude.
    And my last peace of advice: Dare to be different, enjoy ALL of life.
    Repeat over and over. xoxoxoxoxo
    - The Ornusita

  3. OMG! You saw the horses! I am with you Jan....I read all of those books when I was a kid and I would have spent days on that beach with you looking for and watching the ponies!!! Kids and hubbies can keep the beach (and the cold ocean) the ponies are way better.

    Maybe it is because I grew up surrounded by horses and now I am a townie and know no one with horses and I am feeling sentimental!

    Keep blogging - don't worry about the rest of us but I think you will really like reading through this blog (or turning it into an album) in the years to come!


    1. I did see them! Never knew you liked horses... we shall have to have long long chats about so many things when I get back to Alberta.
