Wednesday 17 September 2014

Off the road

Well, we've officially moved out of the RV, and into a rented townhouse.
Our home for the last 14 months now sits empty. It makes me sad.
But, fourteen months of continual travel (and deferred repairs) has also left its mark on the trailer that really must be addressed. It needs some major TLC, which will be easier to deal with now than if we were still living in it. 
The front of the main slide is rotten from water damage. We have fought with the slide the entire time - it never wanted to come in tight enough, and I suspect water got forced in every time we traveled in the rain. The Florida ant infestation probably didn't help. 
And recently, the very front wall in the kids room is flexing - it's not supposed to do that! (Boy, oh boy, I hope it's not a structural issue.)
Oh, yeah - and that darned rear-end that we mangled in Nova Scotia!  
Even knowing this, I feel a little lost away from it. 
Everyone (except me) has fallen back into the stationary life with open, happy arms. 

The kids are both ecstatic to be back in public school (almost shockingly so). My grumpy Lily (who always slept in as long a she could, and dragged her feet to get ready for the day in the trailer) gets up each day eager to go.  

Bob is happily ODing on TV and internet and claims he is never going in the RV ever again. (sigh). 

Even the cat seems happier. She's exploring the whole place, not stuck in one room, and has so many more places to hide when Lily decides to come pestering her.  

None of them says much about our time traveling.

Guess the nomadic life was just not for them. 
For me, though... I've discovered I'm a gypsy at heart. I get flashes of the places I've been at random moments during the day, and yearn towards many places I haven't been to (and one's I have). I don't know if I'll ever be entirely comfortable being stationary ever again.  

So what's a grounded gypsy girl to do?